Recruiting top tier Construction, Design, Human Resource and Legal professionals for local and international firms in Australia

Construction, Design, Human Resource and Legal companies are facing an unprecedented talent shortage. Increased economic activity, historical low unemployment rates, and a lack of international talent, has seen demand rise for quality professional staff at all levels.

The Current Response: A Race to the Bottom

  • No real strategy or critical thinking on such a key pillar of business, recruiting the right people for your team
  • Recruiters having little understanding of the role, firm, culture and expectations of what the hiring manager wants in a candidate, both soft and hard skills
  • Recruiters using the same tools, Job ads, job boards, and random linkedin in mails (which have a 15-20% response rate.)
  • Candidates being sent forward to clients in a race to the bottom, not pre-qualified, rarely spoken too, with the focus on numbers not quality.
  • No long term view or focus on retention or shared risk.
  • Strategies which are designed to focus on candidates who are on the market not in the market.

Our Difference: Staying Ahead of the Hiring Curve

  • Our strategies are designed to provide you with the top 15% of candidates for the role by focusing on those who are in the market not just on the market.
  • We invest heavily in the latest automation technologies and digital strategies which allows us to effectively map talent in every vertical we operate in.
  • We currently have 87% of the talent market mapped and segmented into different verticals within Construction, Design, Human Resources and Legal on the East Coast.
  • We are positioned as industry experts, we blog, podcast, share relevant industry content, and provide up to date market updates in each vertical we operate in.
  • We take a deep dive strategic approach to every assignment, and often challenge our clients to create better compelling messages for both the roles and their firms.
  • We take a strategic long term approach we benchmark top performers and we want to know where the person needs to be in 6 months, 12 months and beyond.

And we are different. No really we are……

I have worked with Matt for the past 2 years on a range of positions. Matt understands the equal importance of cultural fit in line with technical abilities. I actually googled him when he left his previous role so that I could continue working with him.
Karyn Dodman HR Manager
His personal involvement works magic, giving you a real feeling that you are looked after and that everything will turn out for the best. Thanks to him I found a company which is almost second home to me – for that I am truly grateful. Thank you Matthew.
Carmit Harnik Saar Senior Architect- NBRS Architecture

Hire The Best Construction, Design, Human Resource and Legal People

Glue Executive helps companies hire top tier talent in the market

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